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Private Limited Company (Pvt. Ltd.)

We deliver excellence in every service

By registering your business as a PVT LTD Company, you are forming a privately held business entity. A Private Limited Company offers limited liability & legal protection to its shareholders. You are limited to the amount of investment you make, so it is an efficient structure. It is important to note that sole proprietors with unlimited liability are not entitled to such benefits. Companies incorporated under the Companies Act of 2013 are governed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). It provides a business with a legal identity separate from its owners, known as a registered corporate structure.

When a company operates as a PLC, its shareholders can enjoy limited liability protection, which ensures that their personal assets are not tied up with the liabilities of the business. This separation of assets helps to shield personal finances from business debts and legal obligations, which is essential for providing financial security to shareholders. In addition to this, operating as a PLC can also help to enhance the credibility and prestige of the business, making it more attractive to clients, suppliers, and investors. This signals that the company is well-established, compliant with legal requirements, and committed to maintaining high levels of professionalism.

Furthermore, PLCs have greater access to funding compared to other business structures. They can raise capital by issuing shares to investors, taking loans from financial institutions, or securing investment from venture capitalists or private equity firms. This also allows PLCs to offer attractive employee benefits such as stock options, bonuses, and retirement plans, which can help motivate employees and foster a sense of loyalty and commitment to the company.

Another benefit of operating as a PLC is the potential for rapid growth and expansion. With the ability to raise capital through equity financing, a PLC can fund new projects, expand into new markets, acquire other businesses, or invest in research and development. Additionally, being a PLC can enhance the company’s reputation and image in the eyes of customers, suppliers, and the public. It demonstrates a commitment to transparency, corporate governance, and compliance with regulatory standards.

Private Limited Companies (PLCs) offer several benefits and advantages for entrepreneurs and businesses. Here are some of the key advantages:

Limited Liability Protection
Separate Legal Entity
Credibility and Prestige
Ease of Funding
Flexibility in Ownership and Control
Tax Efficiency
Continuity of Existence
Employee Benefits
Expansion and Growth Opportunities
Public Perception

Overall, Private Limited Companies offer a compelling combination of limited liability protection, flexibility, access to funding, and growth potential, making them an attractive choice for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to establish a stable and credible corporate entity.

Tax Savings Risk Mitigation Audit Support

We are adept at identifying legitimate deductions, credits, and exemptions that can minimize your tax liability. We can help you structure your finances and transactions in a tax-efficient manner to maximize savings.
We stay updated with the latest changes in tax legislation and can provide accurate guidance tailored to your specific situation. We brings in-depth knowledge and expertise in tax laws, regulations, and strategies.

Tax laws can be complex, and non-compliance can lead to penalties, fines, and even legal issues. By working with a us, you can ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations, reducing the risk of costly errors or audits.
We doesn't just focus on the current tax year but also helps you plan for the future. We can assist with long-term tax planning strategies that align with your financial goals, such as retirement planning, estate planning, and investment strategies.

In the event of an audit or tax dispute with the authorities, having a skilled tax consultant by your side can provide invaluable support. We can represent you, prepare necessary documentation, and navigate the audit process to achieve the best possible outcome.
Knowing that your tax matters are in the hands of a competent professional can provide peace of mind. You can trust that your taxes are prepared accurately, your interests are protected, and you're taking full advantage of available tax-saving opportunities.


  • H-32, Block-H, PH-VI, Aya Nagar, New Delhi-110047
  • +91 76785 54822
  • support@bkthakur.com


View our brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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